It's all about the CO

HI is a community of enlightened travellers. Curious, connected and conscious, we're all about sharing our adventures with each other. Here is a collection of stories, for all of the wanderers out there seeking to escape reality or plan their next trip.


345 articles

Help bring solar power to HI Beauty Creek Wilderness Hostel in the Rockies

This little spot in the wilderness is in the running for an HI Sustainability Fund grant.

March 10, 2020

Exploring Canada’s East Coast without a car

You don’t need a car to get your fill of Atlantic Ocean views.

March 05, 2020

5 winter escape ideas waiting for you at hostels in Canada

We’ve got special deals all over the place to help you save money.

February 21, 2020

The best side hustles to fund your travels as you go

A little extra cash never hurts, whatever the currency.

February 17, 2020

How backpacking totally changed how I feel about social media

If you didn’t Instagram it, did it even happen?

February 14, 2020

Screw settling down, I’m going travelling instead

I don’t need the marriage-house-dog life. Not yet, not when there’s so much world to see.

February 11, 2020

19 free or cheap things to do in Montreal

Discover a little bit of Euro living for less in la belle province.

January 23, 2020

How to keep travelling a ton when you have a full-time job

Joining the 9 to 5 grind doesn’t mean your travel days are done. Far from it.

January 22, 2020

4 life lessons I learned as a cross-Canada tour guide

What happens when things go wrong and you’re the one in charge?

January 16, 2020

What’s up with winter on Canada’s West Coast?

If you haven’t heard about Vancouver’s mild winters, you probably don’t know anyone who lives there.

January 10, 2020

Getting lost in Ecuador’s Valley of Longevity

As the clock ticked down on New Year’s Eve, getting lost help me figure out how to slow down.

December 19, 2019

20 places you gotta visit in 2020

Not sure where to go next? We got you covered.

December 18, 2019
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