It's all about the CO

HI is a community of enlightened travellers. Curious, connected and conscious, we're all about sharing our adventures with each other. Here is a collection of stories, for all of the wanderers out there seeking to escape reality or plan their next trip.


363 articles

Cross-Canada by rail: All aboard The Canadian

There’s nothing quite like crossing Canada in a train.

February 20, 2018

Love travels: What it’s like falling in love abroad and travelling as a couple

What happens when a Canadian and a Brit find love and hit the road?

February 12, 2018

After a bad breakup, travel healed my broken heart

Sometimes the best thing you can do after a breakup involves going far, far away.

February 09, 2018

A global guide to public displays of affection

We don't all canoodle the same way.

February 05, 2018

The snow-lover’s guide to doing winter right in Canmore

There’s a lot to love about Banff’s lesser-known next-door neighbour.

January 25, 2018

An Aussie’s guide to surviving winter in Canada

If an Aussie can adapt, so can you.

January 24, 2018

8 things to do by moonlight in Jasper

You don’t want to miss the long winter nights up here.

January 22, 2018

The ‘Gunya

Taken down by a mosquito in Nicaragua, Lena learns a thing or two about strength.

January 16, 2018

What to do when you’re the only person at your hostel

Sometimes it happens. And yes, it’s weird. And yes, it’s awesome.

January 08, 2018

5 reasons digital nomads love hostels

Figured out how to take your work on the road? Your own Google Campus awaits.

January 02, 2018

10 hostels you’re gonna want to check out in 2018

Need some inspo for your 2018 travel bucket list? We’ve got heaps of it.

December 22, 2017

Go beyond the gates: 10 free or almost free must-dos in Quebec City

There's no doubt that Old Québec is stunning, but there's so much more to the capital than what's inside the gates.

December 19, 2017
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