A backpacker’s guide to planning the ultimate wellness getaway

October 10, 2024

You’ve been thinking that it’s high time you took a vacation. Whether work deadlines have been piling up, studying has fried your brain, or your family drama is becoming a real-life telenovela, taking a proper wellness getaway might just be the recharge you need. There are so many different travel styles and reasons for planning a trip. Some travellers want a cultural exchange to learn all about a new language or way of life. Active travellers might leave home to explore some of the world’s most remote regions. To them, it’s about packed itineraries and sleeping only when there isn't a sunrise to catch. Others travel to connect with a loved one, soak up the sun, or explore new cuisine.

As for wellness travel, these kinds of trips are all about resting the mind and body and giving the soul exactly what it needs. Think restorative, rejuvenating, and calming. Sound like what you’re looking for? You may be reading this already planning a getaway to Canadian hot springs, a yoga retreat in the mountains, or time disconnecting in the jungle. Get daydreaming, book the hostel, buy the yoga mat. But first, read through these tips to make sure you’re getting the most out of your wellness getaway and that the trip you take ends up being as relaxing as the one you envision.

Keep it simple

Wellness travel is all about striping back the itinerary and keeping it simple. There’s a time and a place for trips that involve days packed with activities from sunrise to just before midnight. This isn’t that. Quality, not quantity, is your motto here. If you want to come home feeling de-stressed, properly rested, and ready for what life’s going to throw at you, keep it simple by choosing one focus for each day, and letting the rest go. That could mean reading a book cover to cover. It could also be about staying cozy in bed with coffee and enjoying slow mornings. Perhaps it’s going for a walk and leisurely lunch in town. Simplicity can be so underrated.

Decide what “wellness” means to you

You might hear the word “wellness” and think this isn’t for you. The word sure gets tossed around a lot. Plus, you might not quite connect with some of the more typical wellness activities like trips to the spa, yoga, or journalling. That said, everyone needs time to unwind and give the mind a rest. Before you book your restorative vacation, decide what wellness means to you so that you can arrive at your destination clear on your priorities.

For example, maybe morning matchas and sunrise yoga flows aren’t your jam. Your wellness trip might look more like spending full days in nature with no signal or getting stagnant creative juices flowing again by hopping from boho cafes to niche art galleries. It’s your trip - you get to choose!

Opt out of common travel stressors when possible

If you’re like us, travel is the single most exciting way to spend your days. It’s a thrilling way to shake up routine, get out of a rut, and explore. For many of us, it’s also one of the best opportunities for self-discovery. However, travel has its low moments and downsides too. Imperfect travels are often part of the fun… but when your whole aim is to recharge depleted stores, you might want to do your best to manage stressors you can avoid.

For example, travel with cash as a back-up in case ATMS are hard to find or machines go down. Arrive early for flights, buses, or trains so you’re not starting a vacation stressed. If you have questions about the area, activities, or amenities, call your hotel and ask ahead. Bring the things that can provide a little extra comfort too: ear plugs, an extra cozy sweater for night, a small candle, essential oils, a battery pack for keeping electronics well-charged while travelling. Missing those things won’t break the trip, but sometimes having them just makes your day better. It’s the little things!

Establish relevant boundaries

Depending on the vibe you’re going for, planning a wellness getaway might mean putting healthy boundaries in place. This might be your time to put limits on doom scrolling or just take a break from your phone altogether. Other common boundaries that could lead to a better mental and physical state during this trip could be limits on highly processed foods and alcohol, keeping bed time consistent, or not feeling the need to respond to every message or email. What are factors causing stress in your life right now? The idea is to create some distance from those.

Make sure to get some alone time

Introverts and solo travelers won’t need to be told this one twice. There’s so much value in slowing down, being alone with your thoughts and feelings, and enjoying your own company. Alone time while on vacation is so important because this is often when break-throughs, problem solving, or inspiration hit. Maybe your entire trip is a solo one. If not, carve out some time to go for a walk, put pen to paper, do a morning workout alone, or take yourself for lunch! You might be surprised by what kinds of ideas or solutions come to you during this time.

Reconnect with a hobby you miss

A wellness getaway can be a great time to reconnect with a hobby or part of yourself you’ve been neglecting lately. Are there things you used to enjoy that you’ve had to put on pause while you navigate your typical day-to-day? A retreat can be a great time to reshuffle priorities and re-engage with activities that used to make you happy. This can be a way to breathe life back into your routine too. What might that look like for you? Getting lost in the pages of a book? Getting back into running? Signing up for a cooking class?

Go local or to a familiar destination

There’s something so nice about planning a trip to a place you’ve already been to before or know very well. Sometimes you crave new adventures and exploring completely new and foreign destinations. There’s a thrill in the unfamiliar. Other times, you just need your favourite lake view, a road trip on familiar roads, or a repeat of that one vacation you took two years ago that was absolutely perfect. When you’ve already been, you know what to expect and don't waste time—or mental energy—getting acquainted or lost. With travel hotspots, it doesn’t have to be one-and-done. You do you!

In the end, a wellness getaway is all about creating space for yourself to recharge, reconnect, and refocus. Whether you’re diving back into a favourite hobby or just savouring the simplicity of slow mornings, make your trip a reflection of what you truly need to feel restored in your life right now. Strip away the unnecessary, manage stress where you can, and remember that wellness looks different for everyone—so take this time to make it your own. Wherever you go, let your trip be the reset your mind and body deserve.

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