It's all about the CO

HI is a community of enlightened travellers. Curious, connected and conscious, we're all about sharing our adventures with each other. Here is a collection of stories, for all of the wanderers out there seeking to escape reality or plan their next trip.


363 articles

The Wilderness Series: Stories from HI Athabasca Falls Wilderness Hostel

HI Athabasca Falls is a wilderness lover’s dream
March 14, 2023

How to spend winter in the Rockies... without skis

There might be a shortage of snow in the Rockies this winter, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything fun to do!

February 21, 2023

The art of loosely planned travel: A Baja California Sur adventure

When it comes to travel, are calculated plans better than just winging it?
February 21, 2023

7 days in the rain-soaked wilderness: A Canadian canoe adventure

When in the Canadian wilderness, you can prepare for anything and still be unprepared for what actually happens.
February 17, 2023

The 12 most important questions to ask your travel buddy before you travel

To party or not to party? That is the question.
February 10, 2023

12 habits to master before your next trip

Practice these small daily actions to make your next trip even more vibrant than you imagined.
February 07, 2023

The best of Whistler ski culture captured in 6 striking images

Photographer Guy Fattal on what it’s like to work as a ski photographer in one of Canada’s most prized locations.
January 24, 2023

Instagram vs Reality: A tale of travels gone awry on a trip to Peru

The non-Instagrammable side of travel exists. No, you’re not "doing it wrong".
January 16, 2023

The Canadian working holiday IRL: Six travellers share their stories

If you need a sign to take the leap, this might be it
January 11, 2023

23 bucket-list worthy travel experiences for 2023

Wild adventures = amazing memories. 23 ways to spice up your 2023 travel itinerary.
January 11, 2023
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