Danielle Bossio
Danielle Bossio

Danielle is an artist, wildlife admirer, snowboarder, and cocktail snob currently residing in the Yukon. Her first solo travel experience was to New Zealand for a semester abroad and was blown away by the rich culture and mountainous landscapes. Thereafter, Danielle knew she needed to explore more of this magnificent world, and became rather engrossed by this aspiration. Her most treasured item to travel with is a journal. She loves a good thunderstorm, sharing and listening to stories, being hypnotized by a campfire, and cuddling up to watch a distressing film. Since 2012, she’s lived in over 13 cities and towns with the ambition to add more to that list.

3 articles

Tu as le blues de l'après-voyage. Et maintenant?

Quand ta valise est défaite, mais que ton coeur est encore en voyage.

L'art du voyage mal planifié : Aventure en Basse Californie du Sud

En matière de voyage, les plans bien calculés sont-ils mieux que la spontanéité ?